After-School Activities for Kids

Mind Stimulating Games and Activities for After School, Birthdays and Family

Treasure Hunt Map

After-School Activities for Kids

Mind Stimulating Games and Activities for After School, Birthdays and Family

License Plate Alphabet Game

Each player tries to find all of the letters in the alphabet, in order, from A to Z. Starting by searching for the letter A by looking out of the window at license plates and signs, including store names and advertisements. Any letters that you see outside of the car count. When you see the letter you are looking for, say it out load. Then start looking for the next letter in the alphabet. The first player to complete the alphabet wins.

If two players both see the same letter on the same license plate, the first player to say it outloud claims it. Therefore, two players may not both use the same exact letter, unless they both claim it at the same time. If there is any discussion or dispute about who claimed a letter first, then both players may use the letter. Road trip games like License Plate Alphabet Game are meant to be friendly non-competive family games.